Day: March 18, 2016

Friday Morning.

“In today’s rush, we all think too much — seek too much — want too much —and forget about the joy of just being.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

I woke up to the sound of Roses by The Chainsmokers. Still on my messy bed with a messy hair, I reached for my laptop and type the first two words that came to mind.

Friday morning.

And the second two words were expectation and reality.

I’m feeling a bit unwell. The past few days might have taken its toll on me. I’m suddenly faced with making one decision after another and it’s a bit overwhelming.

Is it time to go home?

I’ve been working abroad for almost 2 years now and I must say I’ve learned a great deal of skills and gained a lot of experiences I wouldn’t have if I didn’t take that big leap 2 years ago.

It hasn’t been an easy one. But one day, I know I would look back to this period in my life and would see how this was necessary for me to grow into the person that I really am. They say that every difficult situation holds a blessing within, which I’ve proven to be true in so many instances.

There’s a big difference between giving in and giving up. Giving in is about accepting reality. It’s knowing where you are exactly at this moment – where you are in your career or where you stand in a relationship. Where you are in life. Seeing the situation for what it really is now will create a space in your head. A space where acceptance stands at the main entrance, holding the door wide open towards your next destination.

I’m not giving up. I’ve just come to accept that some things can’t be forced. Some things aren’t just meant to be. What’s the purpose of living when you’re constantly chasing? Sometimes, it’s not really about getting what you want that keeps you going. It’s about how you feel during the process. It’s about how you feel engaged and present right at that moment.

Expectation can ruin things. It can hurt you. It can let you down. When we learn to accept “what is” instead of intentionally blinding ourselves with false expectation, only then can we really move forward. When you learn to let go of your expectations, a big open road suddenly unfolds right in front of you. One where you don’t settle. One full of new possibilities, ready and waiting for you to accept what is, move forward and create your own path.

I’m a firm believer that life’s a journey not a destination. This whole experience of being away from home and living independently on my own taught me that the journey itself is my reward – the people I meet, experiences I wouldn’t forget and most of all, the totally different outlook in life that I have now. The outcome wouldn’t matter that much if we’re able to enjoy the journey along the way.

“Only by accepting A are we able to move to B.” Sometimes, it’s hard to accept that the only way to move forward is to accept the reality of NOW. The reality that what you have at the moment may not be exactly what you want. The reality that what you want might  never be. But only through acceptance will you finally regain clarity, happiness and the courage to move on.