Nicholas Sparks

My Last (Sad?) Post

I waited while the phone rang. Oh, I realized it’s almost midnight in New York…but I continued waiting until one of my best friends answered. She knew exactly what the conversation would be all about. I could imagine her getting up from her bed, anticipating the details that she’s about to hear. She just listened while giving subtle “uh-huhs” and “okays” in between. And then, she said it….”One day, you will look back and realize why things are happening the way they are now. Days, weeks or even years from now, everything will all make sense.


This is what you say to your younger sister after she went out on a date that didn’t work out. This is what you say to a friend when he calls you saying his partner cheated on him. This is what you say to a colleague who’s unable to get the promotion she’s expecting… And this is what you say to yourself when your heart gets broken.

I truly believe people come into our lives for a reason. Some people stay for a long time while others just pass by. At times, it wouldn’t even matter how long you’ve known a person. It is surprising how one person can have too much impact in your life within just a short period of time – how he/she had made you very happy then extremely sad afterwards. Your meeting was like a dream come true. It was too strong that it hurt so badly when it went away. This could apply to anyone – a friend, family, almost-lover or a relationship partner. There are people you know all your life who never really make a difference to who you are while others arrive for a short time and change everything…

Everyone has something to teach us. I guess, we all have that… a person/people who come into our lives as lessons. We encounter them for a reason. We met them to share life’s wonderful experiences and make each other happy. In a perfect world, there’s no need to say goodbye – friendships remain and relationships will never be broken. But life is simply not like that…people come and go. People pass by our lives to make us realize the difference between what we want from what we truly deserve. Who says letting go of something so good will be easy? Nobody! It’s easier to hold on to all the good memories. That’s the thing, they are nothing but memories now and there’s more to life than all those “what ifs”.

11178632_10200541320851946_1841184874_nI have had my share of people who came into my life as lessons. Believe me! They taught me a lot of things about myself – what I want or don’t want, what I like and hate, even the things I am willing to do and not to do in life. But as they say, people don’t really learn. Obviously, I’m quite guilty. I came across another “lesson” just recently but I ignored the signs. I learned pretty much the hard way because for the nth time I was blinded by superficial factors. When will I ever learn?!?

At the end of the day, the choice is ours – the choice to stop dwelling on the things or people who hold us back. It’s easier said than done. I wouldn’t say forget about it because you can’t really forget it just like that. It takes time, sometimes longer than you expect…so take your time. One day, you will realize why all of these are happening right now. The experiences and the people that you meet will serve as important pieces to complete this puzzle called life.  For the meantime, let me take Nicholas Spark’s advice to close this book and start a new one. (I bet my closest friends will roll their eyes and say…“You’ve said that once before!”) I KNOW! But hey, isn’t that what life is about? Learning over and over again…


Let’s just say after I had pizza for lunch today, I’ve made a vow to boost my happy cells and get them to work again. Enough with the “what ifs” post now. Real action coming up… wish me luck? 😉